Sanaya Pithawalla looking very beautiful and glamorous sexy stills

Sanaya Pithawalla is an Indian actress and model who primarily works in the Indian television and web series industry. She was born on August 3, 1993, in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Sanaya Pithawalla made her acting debut in 2015 with the MTV India series “Warrior High.” She has also appeared in several other popular television shows and web series such as “Gumrah: End of Innocence,” “Fanaah,” “Girls on Top,” “The Office,” “Mismatched,” and “Code M.”

Apart from her acting career, Sanaya Pithawalla is also known for her modeling work. She has walked the ramp for several fashion shows and has appeared in various print and digital campaigns.

Sanaya Pithawalla has a significant following on social media platforms such as Instagram, where she regularly shares updates about her work and personal life with her fans.


Sanaya Pithawalla completed her schooling from Villa Theresa High School in Mumbai and later pursued a degree in mass media from Kishinchand Chellaram College in Mumbai. Before starting her acting career, she worked as a freelance model and also appeared in a few commercials.

In 2017, Sanaya Pithawalla participated in the reality show “Box Cricket League” as a contestant representing the team Mumbai Tigers. She has also hosted a few episodes of the show “MTV Campus Diaries.”

In 2019, Sanaya Pithawalla starred in the web series “The Holiday” on Amazon Prime Video, which received positive reviews from the audience and critics alike. She was also seen in the series “Code M” alongside Jennifer Winget and Tanuj Virwani, which was released on the streaming platform ALT Balaji in 2020.

Sanaya Pithawalla has won several awards and nominations for her performances in various television shows and web series, including the Indian Television Academy Award for Best Actress in a Negative Role for her role in “Fanaah.”

She is known for her versatile acting skills and has played a variety of roles on screen, ranging from serious and intense to light-hearted and comic. Sanaya Pithawalla continues to be a popular and prominent figure in the Indian entertainment industry.


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