10+ hot pictures of Shruti Haasan where she flaunts her sexy curves

Shruti Haasan is an Indian actress, singer, and musician who works primarily in the Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi film industries. She was born on January 28, 1986, in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Shruti is the daughter of famous Indian actors Kamal Haasan and Sarika Thakur. She began her acting career in 2009 with the Hindi film “Luck” and made her Tamil debut in the same year with “Unnaipol Oruvan.” She has since acted in several successful films, including “7aum Arivu,” “Gabbar Singh,” “Race Gurram,” and “Puli.”

Apart from acting, Shruti is also a trained singer and has sung for several of her films. She has also released her own music, including the album “Shruti Haasan” in 2009. In addition to singing, Shruti is also a talented musician and has played various instruments such as the keyboard and guitar.

Shruti is known for her versatile acting skills and has played a wide range of characters in her films. She has won several awards for her performances, including the Filmfare Award for Best Actress (Telugu) for her role in “Race Gurram.”

Apart from her work in films, Shruti is also involved in several social causes, including animal welfare and promoting education for underprivileged children. She is also an advocate for mental health and has spoken up about her struggles with depression.

Shruti is a popular celebrity on social media and has a massive following on platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. She often shares updates about her personal and professional life on these platforms and interacts with her fans.

More details

Sure, here are some more details about Shruti Haasan:

  • In addition to her acting and music career, Shruti is also a trained dancer and has learned various forms such as Kuchipudi and Bharatanatyam. She has also performed as a dancer in several of her films.
  • Shruti has also worked as a playback singer in the Hindi film industry and has lent her voice to several popular songs, including “Junction Lo” from the film “Aagadu” and “Stereophonic Sannata” from the film “Shamitabh.”
  • Shruti is a multi-lingual actress and has acted in films in various languages, including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam.
  • Shruti has been a brand ambassador for several well-known brands, including Lloyd, Fossil, and Emami Navratna Cool.
  • In addition to her work in films and music, Shruti has also been involved in various philanthropic activities. She has supported several charitable organizations such as the Chennai-based charity “The Banyan” and the animal welfare organization “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals” (PETA).
  • Shruti has been a recipient of several awards for her work in films, including the Edison Award for Best Actress for her role in “7aum Arivu,” the SIIMA Award for Best Actress for her role in “Race Gurram,” and the Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut (South) for her role in “Anaganaga O Dheerudu.”
  • Shruti has also ventured into producing films, and her production company Isidro Media has produced the Tamil film “The Mosquito Philosophy.”


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